Sailing – Marshall Islands to Solomons – A summary


  • Passing through two convergence zones – the ITCZ and the SPCZ meaning constant black clouds on the horizon, reefing sails, and then waiting for the 30-35 knot squalls to hit. Most of these passed within half an hour but the constant reefing of sails was tiring, and it meant we had to sail conservatively at night. We made only 100nm per day while on average in the trades Confederate prefers 120nm/day.DSC00216
  • 12 days of constant movement makes it oh so nice to be still again.DSC00425
  • We were tacking away from our galley the whole trip which made cooking near on impossible. In rougher weather we made do with potatoes for dinner just because it was easy.


  • Crossing the equator for the second time with stars sprinkled above us. Pulling the bimini roof off the cockpit so we could spot shooting stars as we passed the invisible 0 degree longitude line and threw some wine to Neptune.DSC00306
  • About an hour after crossing the equator we were welcomed into the southern hemisphere by a large pod of dolphins illuminated under the moonlight. A magical feeling crept from the bow to the stern of confederate as the dolphins literally danced around the boat for about an hour. Incredible. Our only other visitors were the occasional bird trying to land on our mast.DSC00317DSC00316
  • Moon rises which can only be described as a fire alight on the horizon and could compete with the best sunsets of the passage..DSC00249
  • 2 days of light winds north of the equator – even though we were motoring the sea was like a lake and the conditions extremely comfortable for an ocean passage.DSC00276
  • Fish! Our first Mahi Mahi since we left the Marshalls in Feb!Screen Shot 2014-07-28 at 9.00.01 am
  • Seeing one of the cone shaped duff islands, our first glimpse of land in 12 days. Always good to know that the GPS is doing it’s thing. And then a day later pulling into the Graciosa Bay and getting our first glimpse of life in the Solomons..DSC00366
  • Arriving in Lata to friendly people and surprisingly friendly officials. Ye ha we made it!

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