To be honest, in terms of kiting Tonga was a pleasant little surprise. We were there mid-May until the end of July and found enough spots to keep us throughly entertained. We joined the Island Cruising Association Rally (sailing from NZ to Tonga) and finished up at a place called Pangaimotu Island (aka Big Mamas). Big mams is named after a larger than life Tongan lady who not only lives up to her name but looks after yachties like they are her family. This island also became our first Pacific kite surfing spot. Here is a quick summary about kiting in Tonga.
Pangaimotu Island
As this island is a mere 10 minute boat trip from Nukualofa it isn’t as pristine as some of the other spots we have experienced. In saying this it is easily accessible and the fish life around the reef and wrecks is still fantastic. You could set up kites along the beach from Big mamas. We used a 12m kite as the wind was just pushing 15 knots. Contact us directly ( for more details.
Ha’apai Group
Uoleva would be the place to go here, however because I was doing an assignment while we were in the Ha’apais we never got to see this spot in all its glory.
Nuku is a wee island in the middle of the Vavau group, not far from the main town of Neiafu. While this spot was gusty if the wind crept too far around to the E, in a S-SE it was a beautiful set up and we had some great days here.
KenutuThe absolute pick of Tonga. Pristine sand bank, incredible anchorage, edge of the earth feeling, and snorkeling and waves nearby. Good in lots of different wind directions. We kited here for about two weeks. The winds followed a distinct pattern in June and July where it would be windy for a week, then nothing for a few days. Apparently September is the best month but by that time we were already in Fiji.
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